Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Got here a little before 7a.  No major surprises.  It's been a week since I've watered.  Anna had said she could water on Mon but wasn't able to.  The encinos are still mostly green with a touch of dryness on a couple leaves.  Not good, but they should be ok judging from how dry they got at one point and how they came back with lots of water.  They're not close to that dry.

The fragaria chiloense looks good, a little more red leaves than before which I think is a sign of lack of water although mostly green and no brown.  It has been invaded more which could mean that it's getting enough water (weeds follow water).  It also means more work.
There's a really cool flower on the Toyon
Here's the whole Toyon.  It's the biggest plant in the garden.  I believe it was planted in Nov of 2012 but it may have been one of the ones we transplanted back in the garden in March of 2012 after taking them out for the wall replacement.  Which means it would have already had a few years growth before that.  
While I was taking this pic I noticed a police officer arresting a guy and two units there.  I alwasys wonder when I see that if it's just for vagrancy.  I know that happens a lot.
There are not as many people around in the morning time compared to when I water in the evening or at night.  I saw a guy collecting aluminum cans from the trash and found when in the garden and walked one trash can over and gave it to him and walked back to the garden.
"Tengo una idea."  He said as he came up to the garden where the next trash can is.  I looked at him kind of blankly.
"Tengo una idea... de sembrar por aquí."  He pointed behind him to the area around the bull ring that is full of weeds.
He went on to ask if I could find out how to get permission... "para poner una milpa.  Soy agricultor, yo."  He said as the sun beaten wrinkle moved around his tired but inspired face.  I have the idea to put in a food garden box right by the garden and finding funding to hire someone to take care of it and then sell the crops to nearby restaurants, but hadn't even thought of utilizing this humungous space.  His name was Alberto and he stays at the blue and white house, the closest building to the border on the boardwalk.  A lady there owns the place and rents out rooms really cheap to migrants, sometimes lets them stay for free, kind of an unnofficial shelter.  Alberto is from Tepic, Nayarit and recently arrived.  "Conseguí trabajo aquí en el restaurán."  pointing to where the curve that goes to the Yogur Place.  "Está duro el trabajo de lavaplatos."
I was excited about the prospects of him being someone in charge of food gardens in the space.  
"Usted podría mantenerlo?"  I asked.
"Sí.  Entérate con quién tenemos que hablar."
"Está bien.  Ahí te busco entonces en la casa." 
"O en el trabajo, a ver si aguanto ese trabajo."  He was an elderly man, even had the old man raspy voice going a bit.  
"Así lo hacemos entonces, mucho gusto Alberto."  and I went back to watering the garden.
I've been writing while waiting for the water to absorb.  It mostly has so I'm going to dig a bit and do the second round.
... Ok, all dug and watered for the second round.  I pulled some weeds too in the strawberry patch and in the extension of the main cricle

A few more plant observations.  The sage in the circle extension is drying up a little.

This one was planted somewhat recently in Oct of last year so it might be lack of water although some Salvias do great without hardly any.  I'll weed it out and give it a good dose next round.

I'm noticing Encelias popping up almost like weeds crowding other plants.  I don't want to pull them.  I'll watch and see if they start killing the others.    Here's an example of two on either side of the Hierba mansa.

The Mimilus Stickey Monkey flower isn't doing so well.  Ever since Anna soaked it by accident a couple weeks ago, it hasn't been too happy.  I'm hoping if I keep trimming it and keep not giving it water it'll come back.

The cholla had been moved a little which is no problem.  People wrote some cool wishes  in the wish garden.


Ok, here goes last round.  I'd like to come back and put up that other sign and prune a bit after I go back to PFEA, not sure if I'll have time.

peritoma arborea -6-8 gallons

salvia apiana picada nueva en jardin flores amarillas - 6-9

Encino main circle - 7-10
Encino with strawberries - 5-7 (less cause the hose doesn't reach as well).  Will see if I can throw a few more gallons on this eve

Cherry Mex 7-10

Cherry US 3-4

Salvia apiana hidden flores amarillas - 4-6

Salvia apiana main circle in new area - 1-2

transplanted encelia US side 2-3.  looking good

strawberries both side - wetted

Hierba mansa - wetted

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